Mexican Townspeople Block Road from Arizona
Mexico City – On July 5th, 2020 Politico reported that residents of the town of Sonoyta have blocked the road to travelers entering the country
PASSPORTMX is your passport to experience the very best of Mexico. We customize your travel so that you skip the mundane and jump straight into exploring! We consider ourselves students of human culture both past and present with the highest respect for local residents of the communities we visit. We support local craftspeople and artists by bringing you straight to their workshops and to their places of business. Respect for people and planet is what motivates us.
Mexico City – On July 5th, 2020 Politico reported that residents of the town of Sonoyta have blocked the road to travelers entering the country
May 13, 2020 Employers from across global tourism are taking the lead in supporting their workers and helping the communities in which they operate, research